Version 2.2

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Author     : Tzyganenko Alexander
FidoNet   : 2:5061/70.0
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Author of this note: Olivier Guilbaud
EMail                          :
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Go back to last modification: 27/08/1999
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What's the news ?
I Starting
11 Introduction
12 Downloading 
13 Functionalities
14 Installation
II - First steps
21 - Basics
22 - Simple Report
23 - Variables
24 - First Report
24.1 - The bands
24.2 - The detail
24.3 - Results
25 - Improvement
25.1 - Printing on line
25.2 - The possible options
25.21 - Page options
25.22 - Report options 
25.3 - Use of variables
25.31 - Variables nonrelated to the data
25.32 - Calculated variables
25.4 - Use of the formats
III - The functions
31 - Introduction
32 - What is available out of standard ?
32.1 - The operator
32.2 - The functions
32.21-Description of FR.LNG file
32.22-The Standards functions
33 - Add your functions
34 - The builder parser
Complementary objects (Downloads)